Hanging the Flags - Israel Independent Day

Hanging the Flags - Israel Independent Day

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

26. Going Somewhere?

Dear Emilee,

We've been training for a week. Daily we go to the beach and walk. My hosts are trying to walk 6 km nonstop. I think they made it to 4 km so far. In the heat, it is rather difficult.

I'm not sure why they are training, but I know that they are at it daily. Mrs. C. feet are hurting her on these walks and she went to the shoemaker a few times, but she is still walking.

I am sure that we are going somewhere soon. I am sleeping in the camera bag again tonight! Before I walked into the camera bag, I saw Mrs. C. placing oranges, Bamba (peanut butter chips), halva, water, and dates into bags ready for the morning. She even got her Sar-El hat that she got during her week in the army, ready to go. So I am sure that we are going somewhere; but, I don't know where.

Up till today, we've been doing mundane things, like shopping and cleaning house, checking bus and train and flight schedules; we even went to some travel agencies. But I’m not sure what is the verdict - so I guess I’ll have to wait and let you know when we get going ... I think it'll happened tomorrow.

From the camera bag
Your excited reporter, Flat Stanley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Orith, my darling, I enjoyed this. Your life is full of beauty and sharing. That is why you don't look any older! I pray the Lord opens the door for you and Willie to come for a nice visit...and rest on Bahama Palm Shores.